I want to issue a warning about this game. Although it seems completely innocent, it uses sleazy tactics to sell products. This gets long, but the game lets us buy points (called sweets) toward items to place in our own rabbit paradises. The items are quite expensive, and one could easily spend $200 on a well-appointed village. The only alternative is to visit a long list of Web sites, selling everything from credit monitoring services to pharmaceuticals. Many of the sites require a purchase, or sign-ups for a paid monthly service, and then sweets are awarded.
To make matters worse, two days ago I carefully avoided the credit card traps, and earned 85 sweets signing up for online surveys. The next morning, someone had changed/miscalculated the total to 5! When I contacted the game support person, he/she lied and said that my sweets would be restored. But they were not, even after a second request.
Parents, do not play this game with young children. Theyll find that Squirrel Twinkleberry cant come to live in their villages because someone took their sweets, and they cant buy a tree for him! Could Poppin Games please charge the going rate for this game, and stop using Peter Rabbit to sell products? Beatrix Potter would be mortified!
Galpalsal55 about ピーターラビットガーデン